A duet with variable geometry
Motionless and strolling – All audiences - 2008 - Duration: 20 mn

While creating and distributing entirely written performances, Frichti Concept wished to complete its artistic experiment works by some changing and short-life creations. These creations aim at inventing shows suiting a certain public area for a defined duration, this area becoming the main character of a series of unprecedented performances.

Romances is a contemporary performance concept for all audiences. It is based on whatever architecture and whatever public equipment is provided in the different areas where the company performs.

Two dancers tell us a silent story full of gestural and sensorial feelings. They move all around, in and out and even among the audience, drawing the way to go, just like Ariane's thread. The performers reveal us their own version of romance with energy and sincerity, while making us live a new experiment of our public area. Each performance is based on dance phrases mixing choreographic writing and improvisation around the invested public area.

Themes such as "social body" and its absurdities, codification of everyday life gestures, poetic abstraction of body in motion, are approached through the prism of contemporary romance. Four scenes intermix evoking human complexity, contradictory relationships, with a good deal of derision and absurdity.

Featuring (according to the opus): Brendan Le Delliou, Marie Doiret, Lucile Rimbert, Åsa Depret, Emilie Buestel, Stéphane Gasquet, Virginie Avot
Choreography: Brendan Le Delliou

Romances has already been performed :
At Les MOUVementées Festival in Mimizan (40) in 2013
At LeZ Arts en Chemins Festival in Toulouse-Pouvourville (31) in 2012
At Festiv'Archimède Festival in Massy (91), in 2010

During the Fête at Eauplet (76) in 2008
At Courant d'Art en Campagne Festival in Royaumeix (54) in 2008