Ephemeral choreographic operations
Motionless and strolling - all audiences - 2013 - Duration : 2 x 23 min

Les Impromptus Chorégraphiques arise, surprise, seize.
Three dancers take us in very different universe where Broadway rubs shoulders with the Paris metro, where the sensuality of a duet becomes raw animal material on the asphalt. The public, itself, is at the center, crossed, it moves, turns, shifts its point of view.
Journeying from one world to another, from one bodily texture to a more incarnated material, Les
Impromptus Chorégraphiques mix chiseled writing and guided improvisations, to stay closer to the
invested space and to the public ; for a unique and emotional approach to public space.

With (according to opus) : Elodie Tuquet, Virginie Avot, Dorothée Goxe, Cybille Soulier, Brendan Le Delliou
Choreography : Brendan Le Delliou