Pathetic and burlesque performance for one dancer and 99 objects
Motionless and / or strolling – All audiences - 2010 - Duration: different formats from 1h30 to 3h according to the organizer

In the middle of the city a man turns up pulling away a trolley full of numerous objects. Altogether sources of comfort and anguish, reassuring and bulky, these objects punctuate his everyday life till the utmost.
From the material serenity of the beginning bursts out the desire to send everything flying...
Sometimes funny, sometimes pathetic, this performance carries out an amused and critical look on our materialistic way of life.
Calm and quiet, the performance begins by tidying up scrupulously and hierarchically the collection of objects. For the performer, this comforting material brings comfort. He possesses, thus he lives. Gradually placing the objects, he builds up a space that will imprison him, like an apartment in an open sky, with walls gradually rising up. As the man builds his labyrinth of objects, his gestures become faster, he becomes completely stressed.
And then, seized with frenzy, he hesitates between the will to tidy, to classify everything, at all cost, whereas his body no longer obeys him and gives him a rough time. He is in a critical state and everything seems to escape him. This extreme agitation leads him to destroy by himself what he had set up previously with so much concentration. Once the crisis state has gone, he begins to reclassify everything with the same calm and determination.

Choreography and interpretation: Brendan Le Delliou

Project initiated in September 2009 by the event Préavis de Désordre Urbain in Marseille.
Re-creation on October 8 & 9 2010 at Les Expressifs Festival (Poitiers).